Music has always been a big part of my life, and It goes with just about everything. Like, getting your day started, driving in your car, working out at the gym, setting the tone and pace on a major motion picture, or TV show. Also, a song can bring up those childhood memories. I mean, the list goes on and on. Tower Records slogan once said, No Music No Life, and this is one of the main reasons I’ve always loved KXLU 88.9 FM radio station. It’s been around for over 60-years and it continues to give new life into the music scene.
Back in the day, when I got tired of mainstream stations playing the same shit over and over. I would always turn your dial towards the left, landing on KXLU. In my opinion, it's the best radio station in Los Angeles. It offers a wide range of music, and it's still independently run, with no commercials, and is always introducing something new to you.
I still listen to KXLU from time to time, but now one of my good friends, Donald Andrews happens to DJ the #1 electronic music show called, 55 Shades of Blue. Every once in a while, Donald will have me on as a guest. Allowing me to curate a fun playlist, allowing me to talk on air, sharing funny stories and having fun throughout the night. But his show comes on really late on Saturday night’s at from 2-6 am, but I guess that’s what makes his show special. It’s the late show and he has loyal fans who tune in every week.
When the holidays come around a lot of DJs leave town to go home to be with their families, leaving the daytime slots available. Donald usually jumps on the opportunity to book a show during the day. On Thanksgiving, I did a show with Donald, and now just recently, we did one on New Year's eve. We ended up locking down a 3-hour spot from 3-6 pm and I put together a massive playlist, playing a lot of different genres of music. And we also brought on of my other good friends, Gerry Nestler. Who happens to be a great songwriter, and giving him the opportunity to play some of his work. Throughout the afternoon, you can tell Gerry was having a lot of fun! I mean, we all were having a blast. Laughing at our mistakes we were making on air. All of us shared some stories 2019, making it a special way to ring in the new year, and keeping the tradition going by playing music that’s not mainstream...
Here’s the playlist from the NYE takeover.
Metallica - Hit the Lights
The Clash – Spanish Bombs
PJ Harvey – Big Exist
Civil Defiance – Man on Fire
Conlon Nancarrow - Study No. 21
Civil Defiance – Eye of the Dog
Gerry Paul Nestler – Soul True
Black Sabbath – Hole In the Sky
Crosses – Trophy
The Bird and the Bee – How Deep Is Your Love
Philm- Turn In the Sky
Red Hot Chile Peppers – Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Slayer – Raining Blood
The Monkees – Can You Dig It
Frank Zappa – Dirty Love
Andrew WK – It’s Time to Party
Foo Fighter – Dirty Water
Dust – Stone Women
SHOES – Too Late
The Dead Weather – Be Still
Devo – Come Back Jonee
Alice In Chains – Check My Brain
Civil Defiance – Under The Volcano
Civil Defiance – Wearing Jar
Civil Defiance – Day Of Rain
(the) Melvins – A History of Badmen
Philm – Area
Ghost – Square Hammer
T.S.O.L. – Beneath the Shadows
D.O.A – D.O.A
PJ Harvey – The we’re In
Ramid Djawadi – Black Hole Sun
Gerry Paul Nestler – Genevieve
Van Halen – Mean Street
Jimi Hendrix – Wipe The Sweat